Thin Beard On Cheeks? Here’s How You Can Fix That

Beard thin on the cheeks can be a very annoying thing to deal with. You’ll want to ensure you take care of it as quickly as possible. If left alone, it can worsen and lead to some unwanted facial hair growing in the future that you wouldn’t like.

A beard can be a hassle, but with these tips, you can grow that sexy beard without worrying about it getting thin on your cheeks. In this article, we will discuss more on growing beards on cheeks.

7 Best Ways to Grow Beard on Cheeks

Beard growing on the cheeks is a great thing to happen. But getting the perfect growth and shape you want is not always easy. You might have noticed that your cheek hair tends to grow in all different directions, which makes it difficult for you to style it into a certain look.

You first need to understand that beard growth depends on many factors: genetics, age, hormones, diet, and more. But there are things you can do to help encourage beard growth on your cheeks! Here are our top tips for growing a beard on your cheeks:

1.     Use Minoxidil

Minoxidil is a topical medication for male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). It’s also known as Rogaine, and it’s been proven to be effective in growing hair on the scalp. As you may know, minoxidil can also be used to grow facial hair.

Minoxidil dilates the blood vessels in your scalp, increasing blood flow to the hair follicles. This process can stimulate new hair growth. If you use minoxidil on your face, it may promote beard growth because it will cause an increase in testosterone levels (which are naturally low in men with patchy beards).

Minoxidil beard results usually take a few months to show themselves (if they do), so you need patience if you want this method to work for you.

2.     Use Supplements or Serums

No magic pill or supplement will grow your beard on the cheeks. The only way to get a full beard is to let it grow from where it’s meant to grow. You can speed up the process, but you’ll have to be patient and stick with it for several weeks or months.

Athletic man taking vitamins.

The supplements are vitamins designed specifically for facial hair growth. They contain biotin and zinc, which help promote healthy skin and hair growth. The primary benefit of using these supplements is that they’ll help keep your skin looking healthy while growing your beard.

The vitamins will also support overall health and stimulate natural immune system function to reduce the chances of infection while shaving or trimming facial hair.

The main drawback with these supplements is that they only work when taken continuously over a long period, so they’re not likely to give you instant results unless you already have an existing beard. However, if you’re trying to build up facial hair density or want better-looking skin while growing your beard, these supplements may be worth trying.

3.     Drinking Plenty of Water

One of the best ways to grow a beard is to drink plenty of water. Water is essential for the growth of facial hair, as well as for overall health. Water helps flush toxins from the body and moisturize skin, preventing dryness and irritation.

Water keeps your skin hydrated, promoting healthy growth – including facial hair! When you’re dehydrated, it can affect hair growth in several ways, which include:

  • Decreased oil production
  • Reduced blood flow to the scalp (which means less oxygen)
  • Reduced energy levels (which makes you feel tired)

4.     Proper Nutrition

When trying to grow a beard, you must ensure that you are taking proper nutrition. This is because the food you eat will determine the quality of your hair.

The most important thing to do is to get the right amount of protein and vitamins. Protein is an essential part of hair growth and will help you grow a thick and healthy beard. One way to ensure you get enough protein is by eating lean meat, fish, or beans. You should also avoid eating processed foods as much as possible since they contain trans fats, preventing your body from absorbing nutrients properly.

Another important thing for growing a beard on the cheeks is vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 helps with blood circulation and healthy cell production in general, which means that it will help your facial hair grow faster. To ensure you get enough vitamin B12 in your diet, try eating eggs or dairy products (milk, cheese).

5.     Plenty of Rest

The best way to grow a beard on the cheeks is by getting sufficient rest. This is important because it will help you maintain a healthy stress level. When you’re under stress, your body produces cortisol which can lead to hair loss. So make sure you sleep well and take time off work if necessary. If you’re unsure about what’s causing the stress in your life, take some time to figure it out.

Man eating salad.

In addition, try not to skip meals, as this can lead to stress and poor hair growth. If you’re out of town and don’t have access to food or don’t know where the nearest restaurant is, then make sure that you bring along some snacks just in case something like this happens again.

6.     Beard Transplant

Beard transplants are one of the best ways to grow a beard on the cheeks. The procedure involves taking hair follicles from the back of your head and placing them into your face, where you want to grow hair. Depending on the doctor, this can be done in a day surgery or even under local anesthesia.

The surgeon will remove the follicles from the back of your head and then implant them into your face. The process takes about two hours, with only one recovery period. It is not uncommon for patients to feel some pain during this time, but it usually disappears within a few days after surgery.

The first step in beard transplantation is removing follicle grafts from donor sites on the scalp or body and placing them into recipient sites on your face. This process takes about two hours per graft. During this time, an anesthetic will be administered so that you do not feel any pain during this period.

Afterward, the donor sites will be closed with stitches which will dissolve over time (about 10-14 days). These stitches are usually removed at home by yourself or by an aesthetician who is trained in removing them safely without causing any damage to surrounding tissue or skin tone changes.

7.     Moisturize Often

The most important thing you can do is maintain good skin care habits. The skin on your face is much softer than other parts of your body, so it needs extra attention! It would help if you often moisturize with a nice face cream or moisturizer.

This will keep your skin hydrated and prevent dryness and flaking. It will also make it easier for facial hair to grow naturally into its shape without needing help from styling products like mustache waxes or waxes designed specifically for beards.

Handsome young man applying moisturizer.

Moisturizing is an essential part of beard care. It helps reduce dryness, itchiness, and flakiness. It also helps with preventing ingrown hairs and dandruff. Moisturize your beard with a good quality beard moisturizer or oil. This will ensure that you get the best results from your efforts.

Beard oil is a great way to keep your facial hair healthy and moisturized. Beard oil can be used before or after you shower or wash your face with soap. The best time to apply it is after you have washed your face before using other products like shaving cream or lotion.

Things That Control the Beard Growth on the Cheeks

Genetics, hormones, and diet control the beard growth on the cheeks. The most common reason for beard growth on the cheeks is genetics. If your father has a full beard, then there is a good chance that you will grow a full beard as well. The second thing that controls the beard growth on your cheeks is hormones.

If you are experiencing an imbalance in your hormone levels, then this can cause a change in the hair growth pattern. Some people will notice more hair growth, while others will notice less hair growth on their cheeks.

The third reason that controls the beard growth on your cheeks is diet. If you consume too much sugar, then it can cause an increase in facial hair growth due to insulin resistance which also causes male pattern baldness. Some of the thing that controls the beard growth on the cheeks are:

1.     Diet

Certain foods can help you grow a fuller beard faster, and others can make it more difficult for you to grow a beard. For example, if your body lacks vitamin A, iron, or zinc, it will be harder for you to grow facial hair because these nutrients are essential for the proper growth of facial hair.

Diet is the most important factor that controls the growth of a beard. Diet consists of all nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and proteins. These are essential for hair growth, especially for those who want to grow a long beard. The best thing to eat for a healthy diet is fruits and vegetables. They contain vitamins like vitamin B1, B2, and B6, which are very good for the health of your hair.

A lack of these vitamins can lead to dryness in your hair, causing it to become brittle and weak. This makes it hard for you to grow a full beard because it cannot withstand the wear and tear of everyday activities such as shaving, trimming, or styling your facial hair.

Young man looking at the mirror while touching hair.

Minerals like iron help produce more red blood cells in our body, which helps us breathe better through our lungs. Iron also gives us energy, so we will not always feel tired!

Protein is another important factor controlling how fast your beard grows on your cheeks. Protein helps repair damaged cells within your body and also helps build new cells when they become damaged or injured.

When protein enters our bloodstream through food sources like meat products or nuts, it gets broken down into amino acids, which are then used. Below are some foods that will help you grow a full beard on your cheeks:

  • Beetroot: This vegetable contains betalains, powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Beetroot also contains folic acid, which improves blood circulation in the body, thereby increasing oxygen supply to your facial hair follicles.
  • Avocado: Avocados contain monounsaturated fats, which prevent blood clots in the vessels, which might otherwise cause blockages in blood flow to your facial hair follicles resulting in slow or stunted growth of facial hair on your cheeks area.
  • Coconut oil: Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) that help boost metabolism while boosting energy levels, making it easier for men

2.     Hormones

The hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the main culprit behind beard growth. It stimulates hair follicles and causes them to produce thicker, darker hairs. The thing is, DHT can’t be found in the bloodstream or other parts of the body. It’s only produced by the testicles located inside men’s bodies.

This means that men need to have a high level of DHT for their beards to grow quickly and thickly. Steroids like testosterone supplements can increase levels of DHT in your body. Still, these substances are only recommended for people experiencing low T symptoms like low sex drive and fatigue because they have many side effects.

The hormone testosterone is responsible for beard growth. This hormone is responsible for all male characteristics in men and women. It is a sex hormone produced by the testes and adrenal glands in men, which are responsible for the proper functioning of other body parts. Testosterone also controls the development of male organs and secondary sexual characteristics like facial hair, deep voice, muscle mass, and strength, etc.

Hormones can affect your beard growth in different ways: They can increase your beard growth rate. If you have been using anabolic steroids or testosterone supplements, then this will increase your beard growth rate to a great extent because they are hormones that trigger more hair follicles to produce hair.

3.     Stress Levels

Stress is a hormone, a chemical substance released by the brain, that acts as a messenger between cells to help control the body’s response to stress. Stress may be caused by fatigue, hunger, thirst, and even excitement.

A man feeling tired after work on his computer.

The stress hormone cortisol affects the hair growth of your beard. When stressed out all the time, it will affect the quality of your beard and will not grow properly.

Stress hormones have a direct impact on how fast your beard grows. When you are stressed out, there is an increase in cortisol production in your body, leading to hair loss from different parts of your body, including your face, arms, thighs, and chest areas too!

If you want to grow a thick beard naturally, reduce stress levels in your life as much as possible because stress can affect both facial hair growth and overall health too!

4.     Genetics

The genetics of the beard is a very complex issue. It is not just about one person’s genes but also about the genes of your ancestors and their ancestors. If you have a great-grandfather with long and thick facial hair, you will have a similar growth pattern.

So far, no studies can explain this phenomenon in detail. However, it can be said that if your family members have been blessed with dense facial hair, then it is likely that you will also have dense facial hair.

Many people have a family history of having thick and long beards, but they do not have such beards themselves. This is because other factors control the growth pattern of your facial hair.

Genetics is one of the most important things that help determine the growth pattern of your beard and whether or not you will have any facial hair!

5.     Age

The person’s age is a very important factor affecting beard growth. As we grow older, the hair on our faces changes. The hair on the cheeks and chin becomes thinner and weaker. This is because as we age, our body produces less testosterone which is responsible for hair growth.

In addition, there is another reason the beard growth on the cheeks gets slower as a person ages. As we age, our skin starts to lose its elasticity, which means it becomes harder and less flexible. This makes it difficult for us to grow beards that are thick and dense because they would not be able to withstand constant friction from shaving or trimming blades.

Another thing that determines how fast your beard will grow is genetics. If you have inherited genes from your parents that make it easier for you to grow facial hair, then you will most likely have thicker beards than those who don’t have these genes in their DNA codes.

How to Grow Beard on Cheeks Naturally

Beards are among the most popular trends in men’s fashion today. The beard has been around for centuries, but it has only recently become a mainstream trend. Men everywhere are growing beards and determining how to grow a beard on the cheeks naturally. An organization called Beard Team USA sponsors professional beard competitions worldwide!

Growing a beard is easy if you know what you’re doing. If not, it can be quite frustrating. This article will teach you everything you need to know about how to naturally grow a beard on your cheeks.

You can grow a beard on the cheeks with the help of some natural methods. To grow a beard on your cheeks naturally, you need to follow the following steps:

  • Wash your face twice daily and clean it well with a mild face wash. This will help in preventing acne and other skin problems. Also, it will help clean away any dirt or oil from the face.
  • Apply a moisturizer or cream to your face before going to bed every night so that your skin gets enough hydration during the night. This will prevent dryness and flaking of the skin. In addition, use an oil-free moisturizer if you have oily skin, as such creams help reduce the oil production on your face.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals like acids or peels on your face, as these can damage your skin and make it prone to infections and other problems like acne.
  • Stop picking at pimples or blackheads because they can leave scars on your cheeks that might look ugly when you grow a beard.

Wrapping Up

Some men have a beard that grows along the cheeks but is somewhat thin and lacks density. The best way to get such a beard to look thicker would be to grow it all over the face, but many men with naturally full cheeks like having their beard confined to those cheekbones.

Additionally, most young beards (early 20’s) are often not very dense at first and look great on just the cheekbones! Not to mention that some men do not want to have a full beard or do not wish to spend as much time focusing on it.

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About Jerome Glover

Hi! My name is Jerome and I am a writer/editor for GentlemenCenter. I have a passion for helping men improve themselves, and I hope my writing will be able to help you in anything you may need!

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